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Transplanting, Page 3

Eight Tomatoes Transplanted and Bean Trellis Built

Now that it is the middle of May and the weather is averaging in the high 60’s to low 70’s it is time to start transplanting.  I have only done my tomatoes so far and have dug holes for all of the plants that I have growing outside.

I transplanted eight tomatoes today and will do the rest of them over the weekend.  I wanted to place the ones that were starting to get root bound into the soil first before they start to get ill and dry out too fast in the hot sun. (more…)

Last of the Spinach Transplanted to Garden

I recently had planted nine of the strongest spinach plants into the garden last week and I had 11 that I wanted to place by the end of this week at the latest.  Yesterday I completed putting the rest into the garden and only took about a couple of hours.

I probably could have waited a little bit longer for the plants to grow more roots in order to make it easier to take them out of the containers.  Most of them seemed to come out pretty easily. (more…)

Spinach Transplanted and Onions Beginning to Sprout Today

Some good news on the onion front they have begun to start sprouting this week and I noticed this today.  They probably began sprouting earlier in the week, but I didn’t have a look at them until today.  Both the onions in totes and the ones in the garden are both sprouting.

I wasn’t so sure how long it would take for the ones in the ground to begin growing because it is much different soil than what is in the totes.  I am glad that they have started growing at the same time and I can easily compare their growth rates through the summer. (more…)

Transplanted Flowers, Herbs, and Some More Tomatoes

Setting flowers into the garden is best done at the same time that you are planting everything else.  Usually I tend to plant them once I get all the other vegetables and fruits set into the ground.  They will take some time to produce the blooms that you need to attract bees and insects.  The summer is where you should see them flowering and continuous blooms will come.

As previously stated I had some tomatoes grown inside after the first batch had begun sprouting or didn’t sprout.  I have added them into the garden and now I only have just a couple of more left that will soon go out probably by next week at the latest.  I also have a few more flowers that will go into the garden as well. (more…)

Tomatoes, Pumpkins, Zucchini, and Sunflowers Transplanted Into Garden

This has been a very busy memorial weekend especially for garden work that had to be completed this past week.  First of all with good weather it was time to begin transplanted the bulk of my plants that were ready to get out of their restricted containers.

I only was able to plant about half of the tomatoes that I grew inside because some of the later seeds that were grown are not ready to be removed from their pots.  I like to wait until the roots of the plant actually reaches the bottom of the pot and they wrap around all the soil.  This makes it easier for the plant to be removed and it will come out in one piece as you can see below.

Cherry Tomato Plant


Transplanting Spinach Into The Garden

Today we are finally going to discuss transplanting spinach into the garden.  It is a very simple process to complete once you know exactly how to perform this task.  I like to transplant them a certain way which I have been doing for over a decade since I started growing these healthy leaves.

It only takes about an hour to accomplish, but if you are new to this then it might take a little bit longer.  Once you start doing you will inevitably get used to it and you will become a master at moving these plants into your home garden.  It all starts with making some holes using a large shovel which you can see here. (more…)