Waiting for All Lettuce Plants to Sprout

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Now that some of my lettuce sprouts have started to pop through the soil soon it will be time to remove some of them and leave only one plant per pot.

I like to wait as long as possible so that I can just do all of them at the same time.  This year it looks like that will not happen and will have to do each pot periodically due to different sprouting rates.

So far I have only thinned plants from a few containers.  Two that were in the windowsill needed to be thinned out and those were the Igloo iceberg seeds.

I also did a couple that were growing underneath the fluorescent lights and those were the butterhead types.  My other containers are sprouting they are just not ready to be thinned out because of their small size.

Here are a couple of Ruby glow hybrid sprouts that are just too small to start thinning at this point.  I will have to wait until more sprout or these two to get a little bit bigger.

I also have some butterhead sprouts as well that are too small at this point.  It won’t take long before they are big enough to start thinning down to one plant.