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blueberry harvest

Small Harvest with Cucumbers and a Few More Zucchinis

I picked one cucumber this past Saturday, but I knew I would be picking more today so I decided to wait to write a post until I picked all the cucumbers that were ready. I also had some more zucchinis that were at the right size and decided to pick them as well. (more…)

The Beginning of Pumpkins and Cucumbers

A busy weekend has gone by and I have some great news about some of my vegetables.  Pumpkins have began to come through and are getting bigger every day.  They have reached the size of a softball right now, but they will get bigger before they start to turn orange.

Cucumbers are also starting to grow and many of the plants are producing many flowers which will eventually lead to a large harvest.  Having them in June is the best time to have them.  Although they came a little bit later than last year I still think that I will get a good amount to enjoy for the rest of the season. (more…)

First Green Bean Harvest of 2014

Today was a busy day with the harvesting of green beans, weeding both green beans and corn, and more blueberries to pick as well.  I will have to finish setting up my bean poles so that my pole beans can start climbing up instead of attaching itself to anything it can find.  That I will do tomorrow if the weather is any good.

Tomorrow there is a slight chance of thunderstorms throughout the day and I decided that it would be a good idea to start harvesting the vegetables and fruit that were ready.  This included my beans and more blueberries.  I collected about two pounds of beans from my bush plants and three pounds of berries. (more…)

Three Zucchinis Picked and Some Blueberries Too

Today I had the opportunity to pick three more zucchinis that were well past ready and they are some of the biggest I have ever grown.  Two of them were about normal size while one of them I could barely hold it in one hand because of its large diameter.  It weighed five and half pounds which ended up being the heaviest zucchini that I have ever picked.  There are others that will be picked very soon as well.

Blueberries were picked recently and after a few more days with lots of sun many more blueberries were ready to be harvested again.  The ones that were close to ready the first time have now been picked on this second time.  I collected about a pound and a half this time.  There is still plenty out there which I can use to make some delicious desserts. (more…)

First Blueberry Harvest and Two More Zucchinis Picked

Today wasn’t such a busy day after all the rain we received yesterday from what was left of hurricane Arthur.  The entire garden received enough water for at least a few days and this is one less thing that I have to worry about.  The day before this large rainstorm (which was desperately needed) I was able to start the first harvest of blueberry season.

Blueberries are one of my favorite fruits and you can do quite a bit with them with some great recipes.  This first batch was not that big and I probably can’t do much with the amount that I harvested.  The first picking is usually the smallest as well as the last of the season.  In the next couple of weeks more bushes will ripen and I will pick more so that I will be able to use them and enjoy them for as long as possible. (more…)