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lettuce harvest

the first harvest of red lettuce this season.

Wonderful Harvests Continuing with Strawberries, Lettuce, and More

The garden has been quite well and it looks like I am just about done planting all my summer crop plants for the season. I have already had several harvests of different fruit and vegetables and I have been enjoying their flavor through the past month. There are just a few things I need to do like stake my tomatoes, possibly add mulch to my corn and other plants that would benefit from it, and set up my bean trellis which shouldn’t take that long.


Many Things Happening in The Garden

It has been quite awhile since I wrote my last blog post, but weather has not been cooperating and many things needed to be completed before the month of June.  In this post I will fill you in on what has been going on including some updates on my plants. (more…)

Several Plantings and a Harvest in the Past Two Days

For the past couple of days I have been focusing on getting all my transplants into the garden including peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pickle cucumbers, and the last of my honeydew melons.  I also needed to plant at least one row of carrot seeds. (more…)

The Season Starts Off With Lettuce Leaves

Cool season lettuce is the first leaves to be harvested this year.  Normally spinach is first, but lettuce is just as good and can be used for many dishes.  It is always to have lettuce fresh from the garden for salads because this way you can enjoy the full flavor of your hard work. (more…)

First Zucchini of the Season and More Lettuce Picked

So far I have been picking lettuce both Ruby glow and iceberg, but today I finally got to pick something new for the season.  The very first zucchini of 2016 was recorded this morning in my gardening journal.  It weighed three pounds and looks to be used within the next couple of days.

I also picked the most amount of leaves this morning from my iceberg lettuce patch.  My Ruby glow hybrid looks like it is going to seed very soon.  It is not surprising since these plants do not like the heat and it has been very warm for them over the past couple of weeks. (more…)

First Lettuce Harvest of the Season

Today was perfect for picking lettuce leaves especially after the rain we got this past week.  The cool weather also helped them and it showed when I started harvesting the plants and how big the leaves were.  They were similar in size to my spinach leaves that were picked last month.

I probably could have picked some leaves in mid to late May if I wanted to, but I wanted to make sure that the leaves got as big as they possibly could.  Most of the plants had large lettuce leaves which were the oldest and the first ones harvested. (more…)