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peppers, Page 7

The Beginning of Pumpkins and Cucumbers

A busy weekend has gone by and I have some great news about some of my vegetables.  Pumpkins have began to come through and are getting bigger every day.  They have reached the size of a softball right now, but they will get bigger before they start to turn orange.

Cucumbers are also starting to grow and many of the plants are producing many flowers which will eventually lead to a large harvest.  Having them in June is the best time to have them.  Although they came a little bit later than last year I still think that I will get a good amount to enjoy for the rest of the season. (more…)

First Green Bean Harvest of 2014

Today was a busy day with the harvesting of green beans, weeding both green beans and corn, and more blueberries to pick as well.  I will have to finish setting up my bean poles so that my pole beans can start climbing up instead of attaching itself to anything it can find.  That I will do tomorrow if the weather is any good.

Tomorrow there is a slight chance of thunderstorms throughout the day and I decided that it would be a good idea to start harvesting the vegetables and fruit that were ready.  This included my beans and more blueberries.  I collected about two pounds of beans from my bush plants and three pounds of berries. (more…)

Garden Update: Peppers, Melon, and Another Row of Corn Planted

A couple days ago during a nice warm day I wanted to get in the garden another row of corn and some transplants that I wanted to get out of the way.  So far I have been adding a row of corn every five days and I only have about ten feet of planting space left.  Once I am done with the corn and all the seeds have sprouted I can then remove the bird netting that is protecting my seeds.


Third Set of Corn


Onions Began Sprouting and More Seeds Planted

Today is a quick update on what has been happening in the garden and new seeds that have been planted inside.  As you know onions were planted about a couple of weeks ago during some of the warmer days that we had.  Onions love cooler temperatures and a moist soil.  Luckily the past week has provided them with the desired environment for them to grow rather quickly.

I also have some updates regarding the last of the beneficial flowers that I have planted indoors.  I always find it important to grow as much as you can in the beginning, but these plants are very quick to generate flowers and they can be used as an herb as well.

Some flowers that I planted earlier in the season have began sprouting and are starting to show signs of small blossoms.  If they start blooming inside that is fine because these types of flowers will bloom all year round.  This will produce enough food for the beneficial insects and bees that you are trying to attract and bring to your garden. (more…)

Plant Progress and Some More Alyssum Added

I want to share with you some of the progress that I have been having with my plants and some that I have added in order to maximize my time.

So far my plants are doing really good and it will soon be time to leave them out overnight and then into the garden soil they will go soon after.  Right now during warm days I have been placing them outside on a table that can hold much of my early plantings.

I also added some more flowers to addition to the ones that I started growing a month ago.  Alyssum is one of those flowers that I love to grow as much as possible because of the numerous beneficial insects it attracts.  Bees love them lady beetles, flower flies, hover flies, and so much more. (more…)

Second Phase of Vegetable Planting Indoors

Today I started another phase of vegetable planting that was needed due to some seeds not sprouting at all.  One thing that I would like to point out when growing plants inside is that you need to have patience.  This is something that I lack when it comes to growing any type of plant and it is one element that can help you in your own gardening.

Everything that I place under the lights usually takes about half the time that it would usually take if I had placed them in a windowsill.  Some plants I start with the lights some I don’t.  For instance the flowers I planted earlier in the season were started right in the windowsill.  Along with them were the sunflowers, watermelon, and tomatoes.  Everything else used the fluorescent lights which are a great help. (more…)

Eggplant, Peppers, and Tomatoes Can be Started Indoors

As you know we previously discussed planting watermelon and flowers indoors, but now you should know that there are more vegetables and fruits you can begin soon as well.  I would recommend peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes to be next on your list.

Eggplants are another one of those vegetables that can take quite a long time to mature or produce fruit.  I like to use the black beauty eggplant which are heirloom seeds that you can save at the end of the year.  They are able to ripen towards the end of the season, but if you plant them inside you can extend the season by a couple of months.  If you love eggplant now is the time to get them into containers right away. (more…)