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pumpkins, Page 2

Onions, Squash, and Some Herbs

Now that most of the cold weather is done for the season and actual Spring temperatures have arrived it is time to start planting onions.  Although there might be some cool days here and there this will not affect onions that much.

It only took about an hour to plant my onions in my large totes that I use each season.  This year I would continue growing them in totes and some in the garden.  This happened to work quite well last season and I still have some onions left from 2015. (more…)

Pumpkins are Now Ready For Picking

I thought I was going to wait until October to pick them off the ground and bring them in, but a couple of them looked like they were starting to rot and might not make it until next month.  I had a couple that would have been find until next month, but I would rather pick them all at once.

A total of four pumpkins was harvested this afternoon and I look forward to using them by the end of October.  This is why I grow pumpkins and is something I look forward to each and every season. (more…)

Weeding Broccoli and More Garden Harvesting

I thought I would wait to write a post once I had finished weeding my broccoli and had some more harvesting to share.  This would include the last cantaloupe, some more peppers, and again more beans.  I also took two days to fully weed my broccoli plants.

After a couple of days of rain I knew that my broccoli would do quite well, but on the other hand the weeds would shoot up like crazy.  That is exactly what happened and I wanted to make sure that they didn’t affect the growth of my broccoli plants. (more…)

The First of Hopefully Many Cucumbers

I have been working in the garden for the past week including this past weekend.  The weather has been hot which is great for many of my plants including tomatoes, melons, and cucumbers.  I have not picked any tomatoes as they have not started to turn red.  They should begin ripening at any time and can’t wait to harvest them.

Cucumbers on the other hand have been growing quite well along with zucchini and pumpkins that are coming along.  All my cucumber plants are now producing flowers and it is only a matter of time before I start picking many of them.  Today I happened to pick the first of many cucumbers. (more…)

Picking More Zucchinis Along with Pumpkins and Cucumbers Growing

This past week has been crazy because I have been weeding my garden every single day trying to stay ahead of the growth of the plants in the garden.  Getting behind can be a pain because weeds will be growing faster than I can remove them.

By staying ahead I can work on other things in the garden such as laying down layers of mulch to block weeds, placing ropes on my bean trellis for my pole beans to climb, fertilizing many plants, and so much more. (more…)

Pumpkin Harvest and Final Day for Pole Beans

This past week was a little exciting especially when it came to finally harvesting all my pumpkins.  I ended up picking them from the garden the day before Halloween so that they would be as fresh as possible.  This doesn’t really matter because I don’t eat pumpkin as soon as I pick them.  Most of the stuffing inside stays fresh for quite a while.

I also picked some more pole beans which I thought were done when I wrote this post earlier in the week.  Come to find out that they kept growing right to the very end.  Now that below freezing weather has came they are no longer producing any beans and I will be taking them down sometime this week.         (more…)

One Last Pole Bean Harvest for 2014

Right now temperatures are too low for plants to produce any more flowers or fruit.  The last productive plants that are left and was able to get a late crop from would be the pole beans that are barely hanging on.  They will be removed from the garden very soon once I get all the corn stalks cut and ready for burning.

This week I went outside and saw that there were still plenty of pole beans left to pick and decided to get another harvest.  I was surprised at the amount that wast left and filled up about four containers worth of these beans.  It was enough to make another batch of canning. (more…)

Garden Harvest Winding Down

It is now September and with the fall season just around the corner my garden harvest is coming to a close for this year.  Cooler weather is in the near future and most of my plants have reached their peak or are calling it quits for the year.

Five out of six of the pumpkins I am growing have ripened to the point that I could pick them very soon.  I like to pick them later usually closer to the month of October rather than now.  Tomatoes are done for the most part with only a couple of plants that have a few tomatoes left to pick. (more…)

Picked First Steakhouse Tomato

Today will be a quick post because I harvested the first steakhouse tomato of this season.  Only one was picked because it happened to be the perfect color that you would love to see with any tomato.  There were two others on the same plant, but they were not quite ready.  I will probably pick them in a couple days at the most.



First Steakhouse Tomato (more…)

Tomatoes Beginning to Ripen

I knew that cherry tomatoes were starting to turn red a week or two ago, but I thought the others would take much more time.  I went outside to pick some cherry tomatoes that were ready and I noticed that many others including Roma and steakhouse were no longer green.

Not all of them are starting to turn but the older ones that have been around for about a month or so are now beginning to ripen.  I would estimate that they are going to be ready before the end of the month.  It doesn’t take long for them to turn once they start heading in that direction. (more…)