Pumpkin Harvest and Final Day for Pole Beans

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This past week was a little exciting especially when it came to finally harvesting all my pumpkins.  I ended up picking them from the garden the day before Halloween so that they would be as fresh as possible.  This doesn’t really matter because I don’t eat pumpkin as soon as I pick them.  Most of the stuffing inside stays fresh for quite a while.

I also picked some more pole beans which I thought were done when I wrote this post earlier in the week.  Come to find out that they kept growing right to the very end.  Now that below freezing weather has came they are no longer producing any beans and I will be taking them down sometime this week.        

This Halloween wasn’t that bad and with six pumpkins I had plenty of carving to do.  I usually only pick a couple to do for Halloween and the rest I leave to do throughout the winter and into the Spring.  This all depends on the pumpkin itself and if it is able to last that long.

The tougher skinned ones are the pumpkins that can last all the way to Spring before they begin to rot.  Once this starts happening then I cut it open, take out the seeds, and cut up the rest for cooking and use for pies, cakes, etc.

First Pumpkin Harvest

These are the six pumpkins that I grew this year.  I am pleased with the sizes and this will yield many deserts for quite a while.

I also carved two of them for Friday night.  Check them out:

Pumpkin Carving - Ghost

Here is the second one.

Pumpkin Carving - Mummy

Today I went outside to actually take down my pole beans and found out that there were plenty more to pick.  This took me a couple of hours and decided that I would take down the trellis at a later time.  I will probably do it sometime this week.

Here is the final harvest of beans for 2014.

Final Harvest of Beans 2014

As you can see the bean plants are dead and will not be generating any more beans for this year.

Dead Pole Bean Plants