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roma tomato


Getting a Little Bit More Blueberries From the Second Harvest

With spring crops ending with little left to pick it is time to move on to blueberries and other warmer weather crops. I am using a summer hybrid broccoli that is supposed to be able to withstand the warm hot summer temperatures. I plan on growing and harvesting them all season long making sure that they do not flower or go to seed. (more…)

Harvesting Broccoli in the Summer This Year

I haven’t harvested much this season at the moment, but there are many more things that are getting ready for harvest time. Tomatoes are producing flowers, beans are climbing the ropes, lettuce is flourishing, and broccoli is next on the list. It is almost the peak of garden season and in about a month I should be harvesting the bulk of the fruits of my labor. (more…)

Cantaloupes, Tomatoes, Peppers, and Last of Pole Beans

It looks like the season is coming to an end with not many fruits and vegetables left to pick.  I have a couple of eggplants, peppers, and some tomatoes still growing, but for the most part it is pretty much done for 2016.

The good news is that I have a fall harvest of broccoli, kale, and cabbage to look forward to.  I also still have three watermelons in the garden that are going to need to be harvested real soon as well.  I would guess that I will be picking them sometime this month at the latest hopefully. (more…)

Pumpkin, Zucchini, and Cucumber Vegetables Starting to Flower

Today is just more of an update on the garden since it has been at least a week since my last post.  This week has been crazily busy especially with all the rain and the weeds growing in the garden.  I have had to work in the garden most of the week trying to remove all the weeds that I could.

All I have left to weed would be the tomatoes and some other small areas.  I will begin mulching some plants which might include corn and maybe beans.  It all depends how much mulch I am able to collect this week. (more…)

Weeded Entire Garden and More Lettuce Picked

Just wanted to update you on what has been going on with my garden over the past week.  So far I have only been picking my black seeded Simpson lettuce at the moment which is a great iceberg type lettuce.  It The lettuce has been growing quite well and the leaves have grown to large sizes.

I am very happy about this because last season I didn’t grow any and I definitely missed out on their great flavor.  I still have not picked any of the ruby glow hybrid leaves yet, but they are not growing as fast as my iceberg lettuce.  Granted these are romaine type leaves and I will have to pick them differently than my iceberg type leaves. (more…)

Picked Some Strawberries This Week

One of the good things that happened this week was a harvesting of just a few strawberries.  I wasn’t sure if there were going to be many berries this season, but there was enough to have the first harvest.  Only a handful were picked and there are still plenty left on the plants.

The next harvest I am sure will occur sometime this week either tomorrow or sometime during the weekend.  Hopefully there will be many more than the first harvest.  The first is always a small amount, but the second or third time is when you reach the peak of strawberry picking season. (more…)

Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplant Placed in Small Pots

Just wanted to let you know that I decided on planting tomatoes a little bit earlier than last season.  This year I want to make sure that I get plenty of Roma tomatoes that I can then use to make sauces that I can then store for the Winter.

I thought last years tomatoes were real good and instead of getting all new tomatoes I just purchased the same hybrid seeds I got last season.  This includes the Roma super sauce and Steakhouse varieties.  If it isn’t broken then don’t fix it is what I say. (more…)

The First Corn Harvest of the Year

The day has finally came where I harvested the corn at the right time and now can enjoy there summer taste.  I had checked them during the week and waited until they were just right.  It happened to be yesterday where I went outside and started picking all the ears that were ripe and ready for the dinner table.

I collected 24 ears yesterday and they weighed about 15 pounds in total which is I think is great for the first corn crop of the season.  Some of them had some caterpillars that were eating the kernels, but other than that there was no serious damage which is also a good thing to hear. (more…)