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ruby glow lettuce

Getting the Most Lettuce Leaves Harvested

It was a busy day today with many transplants going into the garden including alyssum, amaranthus, calendula, marigolds, statice, cosmos, queen Anne’s lace, wildflowers, and even corn flowers.  I also had a busy day Thursday picking all the lettuce that I could. (more…)

Getting Ready for Transplanting Plants Into the Garden

It is that time of the year when I begin transplanting everything that I have grown indoors into the garden.  Weather has definitely warmed up and a short heat wave came through this week making it the perfect time for placing all my plants outside and soon into the garden. (more…)

Steakhouse Tomato, Zucchini, and Ruby Glow Harvest

I am now getting some more tomatoes that are coming from most of my plants.  There are only a couple that don’t have any fruit yet, but they do have flowers which should bring some fruit very soon.

As I can see it looks like I am getting steakhouse tomatoes along with some cherry tomatoes.  I am probably getting some Roma tomatoes, but I am not quite certain which ones they are.  I would say in about a week I should know if I have any Roma tomatoes growing. (more…)

Thinning Carrots and Ruby Glow Lettuce Harvest

I have been pretty much weeding the entire garden this week and I wanted to wait until I completed that before writing another post, but instead I will give you a quick update on the garden instead.

I started with picking some of my Ruby glow lettuce earlier in the week and that was very exciting since last year I didn’t get as much as I would have liked.  The first harvest I had from them yielded me 65 leaves.  This is just short from my iceberg lettuce harvest. (more…)