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zucchini harvest

largest eggplant I have ever picked

Harvested The Two Largest Eggplants in My Entire Life

I have been continuously been picking tomatoes throughout the summer and have finally been getting Romas pretty much at the same time. Beefsteak tomatoes have been quite large along with my cherries and Romas. I had so many Romas last week that I decided it was time to make some tomato sauce for Winter storage. I collected over 20 pounds of Roma tomatoes which is plenty for a large batch of tomato sauce. I made 15 quarts of sauce that I will save for the winter which will make delicious and excellent meals.


Small Harvest with Cucumbers and a Few More Zucchinis

I picked one cucumber this past Saturday, but I knew I would be picking more today so I decided to wait to write a post until I picked all the cucumbers that were ready. I also had some more zucchinis that were at the right size and decided to pick them as well. (more…)

First Zucchini of the Season and More Lettuce Picked

So far I have been picking lettuce both Ruby glow and iceberg, but today I finally got to pick something new for the season.  The very first zucchini of 2016 was recorded this morning in my gardening journal.  It weighed three pounds and looks to be used within the next couple of days.

I also picked the most amount of leaves this morning from my iceberg lettuce patch.  My Ruby glow hybrid looks like it is going to seed very soon.  It is not surprising since these plants do not like the heat and it has been very warm for them over the past couple of weeks. (more…)

Picking More Zucchinis Along with Pumpkins and Cucumbers Growing

This past week has been crazy because I have been weeding my garden every single day trying to stay ahead of the growth of the plants in the garden.  Getting behind can be a pain because weeds will be growing faster than I can remove them.

By staying ahead I can work on other things in the garden such as laying down layers of mulch to block weeds, placing ropes on my bean trellis for my pole beans to climb, fertilizing many plants, and so much more. (more…)

Three Zucchinis Picked and Some Blueberries Too

Today I had the opportunity to pick three more zucchinis that were well past ready and they are some of the biggest I have ever grown.  Two of them were about normal size while one of them I could barely hold it in one hand because of its large diameter.  It weighed five and half pounds which ended up being the heaviest zucchini that I have ever picked.  There are others that will be picked very soon as well.

Blueberries were picked recently and after a few more days with lots of sun many more blueberries were ready to be harvested again.  The ones that were close to ready the first time have now been picked on this second time.  I collected about a pound and a half this time.  There is still plenty out there which I can use to make some delicious desserts. (more…)

First Blueberry Harvest and Two More Zucchinis Picked

Today wasn’t such a busy day after all the rain we received yesterday from what was left of hurricane Arthur.  The entire garden received enough water for at least a few days and this is one less thing that I have to worry about.  The day before this large rainstorm (which was desperately needed) I was able to start the first harvest of blueberry season.

Blueberries are one of my favorite fruits and you can do quite a bit with them with some great recipes.  This first batch was not that big and I probably can’t do much with the amount that I harvested.  The first picking is usually the smallest as well as the last of the season.  In the next couple of weeks more bushes will ripen and I will pick more so that I will be able to use them and enjoy them for as long as possible. (more…)