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Sprouting Plants, Page 2

Digging Holes for Potatoes and Cleaning up Debris

Since receiving my potatoes yesterday I needed to clean up the garden and get some holes dug before tomorrow.  Luckily it only rained in the morning so I was able to clean up the garden, fix the net that surrounds the garden, and dig some holes for my potatoes. (more…)

Waiting for All Lettuce Plants to Sprout

Now that some of my lettuce sprouts have started to pop through the soil soon it will be time to remove some of them and leave only one plant per pot.

I like to wait as long as possible so that I can just do all of them at the same time.  This year it looks like that will not happen and will have to do each pot periodically due to different sprouting rates. (more…)

Thinning Carrots and Ruby Glow Lettuce Harvest

I have been pretty much weeding the entire garden this week and I wanted to wait until I completed that before writing another post, but instead I will give you a quick update on the garden instead.

I started with picking some of my Ruby glow lettuce earlier in the week and that was very exciting since last year I didn’t get as much as I would have liked.  The first harvest I had from them yielded me 65 leaves.  This is just short from my iceberg lettuce harvest. (more…)

Staking Tomatoes, Sprouting and Thinning Plants

Another busy week now that garden season is in full swing with transplanting, planting seeds, weeding, feeding, mulching and now staking my tomatoes.  I like to stake my tomatoes as soon as possible; preferably right when I transplant them to the garden.

Although I didn’t stake them right when I transplanted them I did in fact place them in shortly after they were added into the garden soil.  I like to put the stakes as close to the plant as possible so that it will make it easier to tie them to the stakes. (more…)

Update on All Indoor and Outdoor Plants

It’s been awhile since I wrote a post here, but it has been quite busy around here and I want to share with you what has been going on with my garden plants, plants outside, and indoor ones as well.

So far not all of my plants have been outside, but most of my flowers are enjoying the fresh cool air.  Yes it is still a little bit cool which is great for my spinach and onions. (more…)

Update on Plant Progress So Far

I haven’t written a post in a little while and I thought I would give you an update on the progress of most of my plants as of today.  Some good news is that the weather is getting warmer and the sun is staying out later which is great for all my plants including the ones in the ground.

I have been placing my plants in containers outside to get them accustomed to the temperature differences.  This is the hardening process that can take a good couple of weeks.  From there I will be putting them in the ground. (more…)

Indoor Planting of Several Fruits and Vegetables

I have a few things to tell you about that has been happening today.  First off my spinach is staying outside longer and longer and by tomorrow they will be outside for the entire day and night.  This will be a relief because I can soon look forward to finally plant them in the ground.

On another note I have some more seeds starting to sprout and these were the last two that I thought would take a little bit longer to begin with.  Three of my watermelons are showing signs of life and the Queen Anne’s lace has several coming up from the soil. (more…)

Lettuce and Flowers Sprouting

Just wanted to write a short post on how my plants are doing and some of the many seeds, flowers, and plants beginning to sprout.  I have been watching my spinach closely along with the weather, because it will soon be time to place them in the ground.

With some of the warm weather we have been getting this month I have been putting my spinach plants outdoors getting them ready to be planted into the ground.  This week has been quite cloudy and they have not been able to take advantage of the sun or lack thereof. (more…)

Spinach Sprouting and Dill Planted in Large Containers

Not long after planting my alyssum this week I noticed that my spinach seeds were beginning to sprout.  I didn’t think they would sprout within a week of planting them, but I am not complaining.  This is much better than having them not sprout at all.

The earlier they begin to grow the faster that they can get to a good size before planting them outside.  Since they sprouted sooner this means that they will be planted in the ground much sooner or at least until I can work the soil. (more…)

Added Ropes to Bean Trellis and Placed Mulch Around Corn

This week I decided to add the ropes for my bean trellis and to finish them as quickly as possible.  Many of my bean plants had started grabbing on to each other and it became a pain to break them apart without damaging the vine.  They are very fragile and can easily break if handled incorrectly.

Having them climb up ropes has proved to be successful in the past years and is a great way to separate the plants and vines.  The ropes are also strong enough to support the amount of beans that could appear especially if you have a good harvest like I did last year. (more…)