Potato Planting and Some Extra Spring Crop Seeds Added to Garden

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Although potatoes should be planted a little bit earlier in the month of April they still have time to grow and possibly get a harvest for the summer. Weather conditions are still cool and wet which should help them out before the hot months of summer arrives. I was able to get a twenty foot row with just five pounds of seed potatoes. This should be enough for the season as long as they take to the soil well.

Potatoes planted in the garden.

Since I prepared a thirty foot row in the garden in anticipation for room my potatoes needed, I used the extra space for planting some extra cold weather seeds. Some of these seeds that I laid down directly in the soil include lettuce, cabbage, brussel sprouts, celery, and broccoli. Just in case the seeds started indoors doesn’t work out I will have a small backup for at least a harvest of each of these varieties.

Last week I had planted peas and radishes just before some cool and wet weather and they are showing signs of sprouting. My peas will still need a little bit more time before you see any significant plant, but they are definitely sprouting.

Peas seeds beginning to sprout in the garden.

My radishes are actually doing quite well and you can see most of them sprouting. The good thing about radishes is that they do not take too long to produce a root for harvesting and they will not take up much room for too long. I usually pick them just before the hot summer months arrive and can use the extra space for warmer temp plants.

Just some radish seeds that are beginning to sprout in the garden.

Soon I will start placing my flowers such as dill, alyssum, wildflowers, and others outside to get them hardened off as fast as possible. They have been inside quite awhile due to the poor weather. I like to place them outside when it is not too windy, at least in the beginning. Once they get use to the weather the wind will not have much effect on them.

I will also be transplanting some of my cool weather crop into the ground as well. They have been outside for a month and they are just about ready to be removed from the containers and inserted into the garden for the rest of the season. I hope to do this sometime this coming week.