Ripening Cherry Tomatoes Perfect for Harvesting

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At last my cherry tomatoes are beginning to ripen and many of them are red enough to pick to make this the first harvest of 2016.  I think I could have picked them yesterday, but I wanted to give them another day so that I could pick both my cherry tomatoes and beans on the same day.

Most of my beans have been picked and all I am doing is going to be waiting for the new flowers to produce a new batch of pole beans.  This should take a couple of weeks or so and in the meantime I will be focusing on harvesting my cherry tomatoes.

I picked 47 cherry tomatoes for the first harvest of this year and I have plenty more of them on the plants.  I have four cherry tomato plants which is how many seeds I planted this year.  They are also a pretty good size and the large the cherry tomatoes the better in my opinion.

Large Cherry Tomatoes

Here is the first cherry tomato harvest.

First Cherry Tomato Harvest of 2016

I think today I am going to make a simple salad for dinner and use my cherry tomatoes instead of using large beefsteak tomatoes.  Some of my steakhouse tomatoes are ripening, but I think that they will take a little bit longer before I start picking them this year.

I also picked some more pole beans that I had either missed or needed a couple more days of being on the vine in order to be ready for harvesting.

Basically when I picked my beans the other day there were some that were so close but not quite and all they needed was a couple more days.

Another Pole Bean Harvest