Strawberries are Ready Along With Radishes
Last updated onIt looks like the very first harvest of the season comes from my strawberries and radishes. It is the month of June and since these are June bearing strawberries it makes sense that they would be ready during this month. Radishes could have been picked earlier, but I still get some good sized vegetables from yesterday’s harvest.
I did not expect to be picking my berries this soon, but I am not complaining. I still have many more out there that are still not quite ready and need some more time to fully ripen. I plan to pick the rest of them before the month is over.
My radishes were not that bad either and they should last a few weeks or hopefully a month if possible.
My peas are beginning to produce flowers and at any time now I should start seeing pods coming from most of my plants. With the temperatures not too hot they should be able to produce a few crops before the weather gets to them.
Lettuce is also doing quite well and they should be ready to pick real soon. My red lettuce is most likely going to be the first picked instead of my green lettuce.