Picking Strawberries and Planting Last Section of Corn

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The past weekend it was finally time to start picking the first harvest of strawberries of the 2014 season.  The best part about gardening is when you begin harvesting all your fruits of your labor because this is when all your hard work pays off.  Since these are ever bearing berries I will be harvesting them throughout the year as long as I properly care for them during the season.

I also completed the final section of corn and I can now start thinning out the plants that I don’t need.  I will most likely start with the first planting I did and remove what plants I no longer need and then I can give them some plant food.  They are heavy nitrogen feeders and I will be giving them exactly what they need during the next couple of weeks.Strawberries are one of my favorite berries to eat and they usually never last that long.  The first batch I picked ended up being about one pound and after a couple of days they were all eaten.  They didn’t even make it past the weekend ;).  Before they were all eaten I did happen to take some quick pictures of them.

Pile of Picked Strawberries

They were a decent size for the first of the year, but there might be others that are much bigger.  I will probably be harvesting more of them either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Average Sized Strawberry

I also took some pictures of a carrot sprout that you can take a look at if you are not sure exactly what they look like.  They have a very unique third leaf that they grow which you can easily tell apart from a weed.

Carrot Sprout

As you can see this doesn’t look anything like a weed once it grows its third leaf.  When they get to this size you will be able to finally weed the row of unwanted grass.  I would usually wait an extra week before weeding because when they are at this size not all of them will have this third leaf.  I probably will start weeding them next week or the week after.