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cucumbers, Page 7

Large Cucumbers and Steakhouse Tomato

Today was a good day while harvesting some cucumbers, tomatoes, and even another zucchini.  Earlier in the season when I first picked up some of these fruits and vegetables they were not as big as I had hoped.  The only exception being the zucchinis which were extremely larger than normal.

The cucumbers were small and the plants did not look like they were going to produce that much for the season.  I also had high hopes for the steakhouse tomatoes because the first few that were picked definitely gave me confidence that I would be getting much more in the near future. (more…)

Harvested All Three Types of Tomatoes This Week

This week has been good for tomato harvesting because they are now ripening to their red delicious color.  I have planted cherry, Roma, and steakhouse varieties this summer and they have began to start their ripening phase.  I only picked one Roma as compared to the others that I collected many of them.

I knew that at one time all my tomatoes will probably start turning red at once instead of periodically.  This is good because I love tomatoes and I can never get enough of them during the Winter time.  This is when I enjoy them the most because they are organic and come from my own backyard. (more…)

Complete Onion Harvest and More Tomatoes

Yesterday I was able to get the entire onion harvest completed.  It doesn’t take long to take out onions once you get started it goes very quickly.  All I do is pull them out and brush off all the loose dirt and place them in a large container.  Since I have five totes full of onions a small bucket will fill up very fast.

In total I was able to get over 30 pounds of onions and a count of 95.  It seems like placing twenty bulbs in the beginning is the right amount you can place in these size totes. (more…)

Corn May Be Coming Soon To My Garden

It was only a couple of days ago that the tassels began to grow from my corn and it looked like that I was going to get some corn in the near future.  I went outside today and discovered that there were some silks appearing from one of the corn stalks.  This was the first sign that I could be getting corn in a week or so.

Granted this was only one corn stalk, but it signaled that my corn was growing correctly and I have been doing something right.  I would be very surprised if this was the only stalk that began growing ears of corn. (more…)

July 28 Garden Progress Update

It has been a while since I last wrote a post on this blog and I thought it would be good to give you a quick update on what is happening so far.  I now have four pumpkins that are growing in the garden and I may have a fifth one coming soon.  I have been taking pictures of them so that I can easily see their progress over a short period of time.

As you know my zucchinis are coming in one after the other and I don’t see any sign of them slowing down.  Blueberries are starting to wind down and today I think I reached the peak of the blueberry season for this year.  Tomatoes are doing good and will be ripening very shortly as long as the warm weather holds up. (more…)

Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers

The latest fruits and vegetables that I harvested this week would include cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.  It took quite a while before starting to see tomatoes turn red this year.  I have many other tomatoes that have not began to turn, but will soon do so over the next couple of weeks.  They will probably all start ripening at the same time.

Cucumbers were also picked this week, but only one of them was ready enough to be harvested.  The others will come in time now that I am starting to see more and more of these vegetables on the vine.  I would say about mid August will be the peak of the season for cucumbers and probably everything else as well. (more…)

The Beginning of Pumpkins and Cucumbers

A busy weekend has gone by and I have some great news about some of my vegetables.  Pumpkins have began to come through and are getting bigger every day.  They have reached the size of a softball right now, but they will get bigger before they start to turn orange.

Cucumbers are also starting to grow and many of the plants are producing many flowers which will eventually lead to a large harvest.  Having them in June is the best time to have them.  Although they came a little bit later than last year I still think that I will get a good amount to enjoy for the rest of the season. (more…)

First Green Bean Harvest of 2014

Today was a busy day with the harvesting of green beans, weeding both green beans and corn, and more blueberries to pick as well.  I will have to finish setting up my bean poles so that my pole beans can start climbing up instead of attaching itself to anything it can find.  That I will do tomorrow if the weather is any good.

Tomorrow there is a slight chance of thunderstorms throughout the day and I decided that it would be a good idea to start harvesting the vegetables and fruit that were ready.  This included my beans and more blueberries.  I collected about two pounds of beans from my bush plants and three pounds of berries. (more…)

Pole Bean and Carrot Sprouting Along With Transplanting Eggplants and Cucumbers

This week has been kind of slow mainly because of the rain we have been receiving which is greatly needed.  When July comes along their will usually be none or very little rain.  I like to take advantage of this type of weather to take a slow rest because once the sun comes out the weeds will start growing throughout the entire garden.

Before the rain came I wanted to get my eggplants into the ground so that they can easily take advantage of this rain that they need.  I actually planted them much later than last year, but last year I did not have any transplants.  I had planted them in the garden from seed, which is why I did not get much fruit. (more…)

Onions Began Sprouting and More Seeds Planted

Today is a quick update on what has been happening in the garden and new seeds that have been planted inside.  As you know onions were planted about a couple of weeks ago during some of the warmer days that we had.  Onions love cooler temperatures and a moist soil.  Luckily the past week has provided them with the desired environment for them to grow rather quickly.

I also have some updates regarding the last of the beneficial flowers that I have planted indoors.  I always find it important to grow as much as you can in the beginning, but these plants are very quick to generate flowers and they can be used as an herb as well.

Some flowers that I planted earlier in the season have began sprouting and are starting to show signs of small blossoms.  If they start blooming inside that is fine because these types of flowers will bloom all year round.  This will produce enough food for the beneficial insects and bees that you are trying to attract and bring to your garden. (more…)