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pickle cucumbers

Large Harvest Full of Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers, and More

This weekend was a good time to get some more fruits and vegetables from the garden. This Friday it rained pretty well and many of my plants needed it. After a rain is a good time to start picking as much as possible. Luckily I had plenty of vegetables that needed to be harvested and that is what I did between yesterday and today. (more…)

Today Was a Day Filled with New Harvests

There were two different harvests today that I was hoping to accomplish either yesterday or today.  Luckily it was a good day and I was able to harvest the first pole beans and cherry tomatoes of the season. (more…)

Some Cucumbers and a Few Good Things Happening in the Garden

I had some more cucumbers that were ready for some harvesting and they were a good size as well. I had a couple of large ones and a few average sized cucumbers that I could use for many different things. These were just cucumbers and pickles will be coming very soon and hopefully plenty of them. (more…)

Spinach, Pea, Radish, and Celery Seeds Into the Ground

This week is supposed to be cool, but with high enough temperatures that I can start planting most of my cool weather seeds.  I still have to plant the last of my seed potatoes and transplant my lettuce into the garden, but getting these four seeds into the garden is a big chunk of the cool weather season. (more…)

Early Tilling for Spring Plants and Seeds

I got some tilling done yesterday which is mainly for the spring plants that I will be placing outside.  Lettuce is one of those plants and the rest are going to be from seed.  I will plant seeds of peas, radish, celery, and potatoes. (more…)