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queen annes lace

Doubling Up Planting Indoors

It is that time of the year when I need to rely on fluorescent lights to help in sprouting many of my seeds that I plant. With two 48 inch lights I can add many more seeds that I need to plant for a good head start to 2018. For now I am using just one light and have only planted flower seeds into small to medium sized plastic containers. (more…)

Fruit and Vegetable Seed Planting Indoors

It looks like that it is that time already to begin planting the main part of the garden indoors.  Starting indoors I find to be the best solution for getting ahead of the game.  Although space is limited I am still able to grow quite a bit before Spring weather arrives. (more…)

Transplanting and More Seeds into Rows

The past three days have been quite busy with my plants ready for the ground and seeds that need to be planted as well.  I wanted to get most of my plants in the ground by the weekend and right now I only have a few flowers and a couple squash plants left.

Tomorrow I should finish with all my plants including planting all the seeds needed for a successful garden.  I will be planting some extra seeds of zucchini and pumpkin. (more…)

Update on All Indoor and Outdoor Plants

It’s been awhile since I wrote a post here, but it has been quite busy around here and I want to share with you what has been going on with my garden plants, plants outside, and indoor ones as well.

So far not all of my plants have been outside, but most of my flowers are enjoying the fresh cool air.  Yes it is still a little bit cool which is great for my spinach and onions. (more…)

Several Flowers and a Couple Melons Planted

Today was probably the busiest out of the entire year for gardening.  I planted some more flowers that I needed to get completed and I am planting them a little big sooner than last year.  It is only a week earlier, but every day helps in getting a good head start.

I decided on growing five different flowers today and they are all going on the windowsill instead of fluorescent light.  Most of the flowers I used large plastic pots while only one I decided on planted them in shallow peat pots. (more…)

Sunflower and Cosmos Seeds Planted

The more flowers in the garden the more chances you have of getting happy honeybees to pollinate your plants.  That is what I was thinking about today and sunflowers are the perfect ones to attract all types of bees including honeybees.

Cosmos are flowers that continuously grow throughout the season and will produce lovely blooms that are high in nectar and will be able to feed some of the most beneficial insects that you will receive. (more…)

Transplanted Flowers, Herbs, and Some More Tomatoes

Setting flowers into the garden is best done at the same time that you are planting everything else.  Usually I tend to plant them once I get all the other vegetables and fruits set into the ground.  They will take some time to produce the blooms that you need to attract bees and insects.  The summer is where you should see them flowering and continuous blooms will come.

As previously stated I had some tomatoes grown inside after the first batch had begun sprouting or didn’t sprout.  I have added them into the garden and now I only have just a couple of more left that will soon go out probably by next week at the latest.  I also have a few more flowers that will go into the garden as well. (more…)

First Outdoor Planting

Today I planted the first seeds of bush beans and corn into the garden.  It was a cloudy day but it still was warm enough to get them into the ground.  I didn’t plant an entire row instead I just planted the first set of corn and with some extra room I planted some bush beans.

I wasn’t planning on growing bush beans because I wasn’t sure I would have extra room.  What I did was plant them at the end of where my pole beans are going to go because there is plenty of room in this area.  Basically where the pole beans end are where the bush beans will begin. (more…)

Start Planting Flowers, Sunflowers, and Watermelon

Today I decided it was time for getting some plants ready for the spring.  This would include alyssum, dill, and queen annes lace.  I grow these particular plants early mainly for attracting beneficial insects such as lady beetles, parasitic wasps, and even honey bees.

I also like to get a head start with watermelons and sunflowers.  Watermelons take a very long time to mature and produce fruit.  Some can take as long as 110 days.  Since I live in a temperate climate I always  like to get right into growing this fruit as soon as possible.  By the time they are ready to be planted into the garden it should be warm enough for them to flourish

Sunflowers I like to get a head start on is because this is one of the first things I need to begin flowering.  The flowers of mammoth sunflowers are perfect for attracting pollinating bees.  Whether it be honeybees or native bees these plants can attract all kinds of pollinators.  This is the main reason for getting them a head start as well. (more…)