Starting Tilling of Garden and Planting First Corn Seeds

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It is pretty much the month of May once this day is over and that means it is time for tilling.  This obviously depends on the weather and normally I plan to till the garden in the month of May, but usually not the first day of the month.  This year was a little bit different and I wanted to start as soon as possible.

Basically I wanted to get my new corn seeds in the ground as soon as possible and wanted to get a little bit head start on these seeds.  Usually by mid May I am beginning to till the garden and setting up bean trellises, digging holes, etc.

Since the weather is good enough and the soil is warm enough without the threat of a frost it is a good time to start planting at least my corn seeds.  I want to get them in the ground right away and that is what I did this evening.

I also wanted to get a few more lettuce plants in the ground since tomorrow it is supposed to rain and I don’t want my plants staying in the containers for too long.

I pretty much planted at least one of each variety today.  This will include all the types that I planted: iceberg, romaine, butterhead, and looseleaf.

The good news is that my early lettuce plants that were added to the garden are just about ready for harvesting.  I probably could have picked some of it today, but instead I think I am going to wait another day or so.  This way I can start enjoying the first harvest of the season.

So far my indoor plants are growing quite well and the weather was quite warm this past weekend and I was able to put them outside to give them some fresh air.  All I am waiting for is some consistent warm weather which should be coming soon to put them outside overnight.

Once I keep them outside for an entire night I can then place them in the garden shortly after that.