The Garden Season Has Started with the Planting of Spinach

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The garden season is officially here and the first planting that starts the season is spinach.  Very easy to grow plants and great for cooler weather especially with the cold temperatures that I have been getting in my area.

Tons of snow and very chilly temperatures is why I have delayed the planting of spinach about a week later.  I usually start in the last month of February, but this year I decided on trying them the first week of March.

I also decided on trying something new that I never did before with spinach seeds.  I planted 12 containers each with four to five seeds in each container.  I will plant another 12 tomorrow using seeds that I have been soaking in water since this afternoon.

Spinach Seeds Soaking in Water

I will soak the seeds for at least 24 hours until I start planting them in containers.  This is supposed to help them germinate much faster and since I planted them later than usual I want to utilize the seeds to its fullest potential.

I also have been using soil that I sifted from my worm compost pile.  This soil is packed with nutrients that seeds will need while germinating.  This way I didn’t add any bone meal into the soil and I am relying on the sifted soil to contain the building blocks to healthy spinach plants.

Sifted Worm Compost

Other than what I have mentioned I am planted the same exact way I did last year.

As I plant more I will keep this blog up to date with all the latest information on what I am doing through the entire garden season.