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Planted Dill Indoors

Ready for Gardening in 2022?

Welcome back to a new year and the new gardening season of 2022.  Hopefully this year will be an exciting season with some new plants arriving and some new supplies I will be utilizing for a great and bountiful crop.  Last year was a very unusual season with plentiful rain and water for my plants.  This year is looking to be a more normal summer with very little rain and hot temperatures.  I can now really test out my new watering system using soaker hoses.  It was tough last year with all the rain, but I am looking forward to see if they can keep up with the possible lack of rain.  Not having to water my plants daily does save me some time and focus on other aspects of gardening. 

Blueberry Plants

Getting the Net on the Blueberries and Soon Strawberries

It looks like this might be a long post since I have not written one in quite awhile and I want to keep you up to speed with my garden progress. I have not planted everything into the garden just yet, but I only have a few more seeds and transplants left. I plan on finishing this week, weather permitting of course. Let’s get into what has been going on in my garden. (more…)

Strawberry Plants

The Second Year for Strawberry Plants

With weather and temps warming up it was about time to remove the straw from all my strawberry plants and do a little bit of weeding as well.  All the plants survived the winter and most of them are growing well and hopefully will start producing flowers within a month or so for a June harvest. (more…)

Doubling Up Planting Indoors

It is that time of the year when I need to rely on fluorescent lights to help in sprouting many of my seeds that I plant. With two 48 inch lights I can add many more seeds that I need to plant for a good head start to 2018. For now I am using just one light and have only planted flower seeds into small to medium sized plastic containers. (more…)

Many Things Happening in The Garden

It has been quite awhile since I wrote my last blog post, but weather has not been cooperating and many things needed to be completed before the month of June.  In this post I will fill you in on what has been going on including some updates on my plants. (more…)

Getting Most Flowers Transplanted to Garden

Today was more about transplanting my flowers to the garden.  They have been outside for a little bit short of a month and that is plenty of time to be sure that the weather will not affect them from here on till the end of the season.  I got all my dill, wildflowers, and some alyssum added to the garden. (more…)

Fruit and Vegetable Seed Planting Indoors

It looks like that it is that time already to begin planting the main part of the garden indoors.  Starting indoors I find to be the best solution for getting ahead of the game.  Although space is limited I am still able to grow quite a bit before Spring weather arrives. (more…)