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Zucchini, Page 3

First Zucchini of the Season and More Lettuce Picked

So far I have been picking lettuce both Ruby glow and iceberg, but today I finally got to pick something new for the season.  The very first zucchini of 2016 was recorded this morning in my gardening journal.  It weighed three pounds and looks to be used within the next couple of days.

I also picked the most amount of leaves this morning from my iceberg lettuce patch.  My Ruby glow hybrid looks like it is going to seed very soon.  It is not surprising since these plants do not like the heat and it has been very warm for them over the past couple of weeks. (more…)

Steakhouse Tomato, Zucchini, and Ruby Glow Harvest

I am now getting some more tomatoes that are coming from most of my plants.  There are only a couple that don’t have any fruit yet, but they do have flowers which should bring some fruit very soon.

As I can see it looks like I am getting steakhouse tomatoes along with some cherry tomatoes.  I am probably getting some Roma tomatoes, but I am not quite certain which ones they are.  I would say in about a week I should know if I have any Roma tomatoes growing. (more…)

Transplanting and More Seeds into Rows

The past three days have been quite busy with my plants ready for the ground and seeds that need to be planted as well.  I wanted to get most of my plants in the ground by the weekend and right now I only have a few flowers and a couple squash plants left.

Tomorrow I should finish with all my plants including planting all the seeds needed for a successful garden.  I will be planting some extra seeds of zucchini and pumpkin. (more…)

Onions, Squash, and Some Herbs

Now that most of the cold weather is done for the season and actual Spring temperatures have arrived it is time to start planting onions.  Although there might be some cool days here and there this will not affect onions that much.

It only took about an hour to plant my onions in my large totes that I use each season.  This year I would continue growing them in totes and some in the garden.  This happened to work quite well last season and I still have some onions left from 2015. (more…)

Broccoli is Coming and Last Big Harvest of Beans

This is going to be a short post because there is not much that has happened between today and the last post I wrote.  For now many plants are done producing and gardening is coming to a close for the year.

Right now I have finished the last zucchini of the season yesterday and today I picked the last big harvest of beans.  Three containers were filled with large pole beans and there were not many left on the vines. (more…)

Two Bowls Overflowing with Pole Beans

Just a quick post today about some of the vegetables I collected this past week.  The last post I discussed about some beans that I collected which weighed about nine pounds.  This week I actually was able to pick many more than the previous harvest.

I was actually surprised there were much more than before.  I didn’t make any record, but still 13 pounds is pretty good for one harvest.  It was so much that I overfilled two bowls just to get them all in without having to get a third bowl. (more…)

Multiple Harvests of Fruits and Vegetables Today

Rather than collecting just one or two types of fruits or vegetables I decided on picking everything that looked ripe.  This includes zucchini, beans, cucumbers, peppers, cantaloupe, and even cherry tomatoes.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to pick some more corn yesterday, but I decided to wait until this afternoon to pick some more ears.  Most of them should be ready by now or at least ripe enough to be considered for consumption. (more…)

First Harvest of Corn, Cantaloupe, and Some More Tomatoes

It has been very busy this week especially with all new harvests of corn and cantaloupes.  The cantaloupe was nearly by accident because I wanted to check out the connection between the melon and the vine and when I turned it over it just came right off.  Good thing the melon was pretty much ready anyways.

The other cantaloupe that I picked was coming off from the vine so I just decided on removing it since it was going to come done at any moment.  No reason to leave it on the vine like that. (more…)

Picking a Bowl Full of Cherry Tomatoes and Garden Update

I thought since it has been a while since I wrote a post that I would give you an update on the garden.  Now that all my plants are starting to produce fruit – except for broccoli and cabbage which will come later- I thought today would be a perfect time to take some pictures of the plants progress.

I left off with my corn producing silks which will lead to ears of corn as long as they are pollinated.  With the rain that we received yesterday much of the pollen has gotten wet and there is nothing that I can do except wait for it to dry and try to place it on the silks of the corn. (more…)

The First of Hopefully Many Cucumbers

I have been working in the garden for the past week including this past weekend.  The weather has been hot which is great for many of my plants including tomatoes, melons, and cucumbers.  I have not picked any tomatoes as they have not started to turn red.  They should begin ripening at any time and can’t wait to harvest them.

Cucumbers on the other hand have been growing quite well along with zucchini and pumpkins that are coming along.  All my cucumber plants are now producing flowers and it is only a matter of time before I start picking many of them.  Today I happened to pick the first of many cucumbers. (more…)