Getting in Front of a Rain Shower and Planting Onions into Totes
Last updated onI always like to get my plants (in this case bulbs) into the ground before a possible rain storm or shower occurs. This is a good way for the bulbs to enjoy some natural rain water which they seem to respond positively to. It also gives them a good soaking which is a good way to conserve water.
Today was time to start cleaning out my totes of debris that it had collected over the winter and the corn leaves, husks, silks, and stalks that I leave in all of them. Over the winter this debris is able to decompose which adds to the organic matter to the totes and in turn feeds my onions throughout much of the season.
This year I added another tote and now this makes exactly ten totes that have onions planted in them at the moment. With 20 onion bulbs in each I could get a possible 200 onions when the season is done for them.
I also am growing red onions again as well. They were a big hit last season and everybody loved them so I decided to plant more of them. Instead of using two totes like I did last season I now doubled that and using four. I am hoping that they come out as good as they did last year. They lasted all the way to a couple of weeks ago!
I also cleaned up much of the garden and was hoping to get some radish and pea seeds into the ground, but unfortunately ran out of time. I will hopefully get them planted sometime this week. It would have been nice to get them in the ground before the rain, but at least I got my onion bulbs into the totes to have at least one thing take advantage of this rain.
I am hoping to continue planting inside which is what I will probably do tomorrow. I still need to get my melons, cucumbers, eggplants, flowers, and many others into pots before it gets too late into the season.