Three More Plants Moved Into the Garden This Weekend

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I was hoping to get as many plants into the garden as possible today, because there is going to be some rain coming very soon.  I find it is best to get them into the garden quickly so they can adjust quickly to the soil and get some free rain with it as well.

Yesterday I actually finished with all my tomato plants.  I had started Friday with just my steakhouse and cherry tomato plants.  Yesterday I made sure to get the rest of my tomato plants which are just for making sauce.  These are the super sauce tomatoes that I love growing.

Once I got my tomatoes into the ground I then wanted to shift my focus to melons and squash.  My watermelons I wanted to get in the soil as quickly as possible since the peat pots they were in were no longer holding the roots together.

My squash plants were also running out of room and they do not take that long to outgrow their containers.  Since they too were in peat pots it was prudent to place them in the soil at the same time as watermelons.

This is what I have done so far and I still need to make room for eggplants, cucumbers, pickle cucumbers, carrots, peppers, beans, and then my beneficial flowers.

My flowers I am not worried about, but my others I might have to start inter-planting my peppers and possible eggplant in between certain plants.  I still got one last row to till which is where I plan on placing all my cucumber plants.

I have left a little over ten feet of row for my bean plants.  Instead of building the entire bean trellis I am going to just use ten feet of it this season.  There will be less beans, but hopefully with a little bit more diverse harvest.

I also noticed a couple of small corn sprouts this afternoon as well.  I wasn’t sure if these seeds were going to sprout because they looked kind of shriveled and not sprout capable.  It looks like they do have potential for germinating.