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Planted Dill Indoors

Ready for Gardening in 2022?

Welcome back to a new year and the new gardening season of 2022.  Hopefully this year will be an exciting season with some new plants arriving and some new supplies I will be utilizing for a great and bountiful crop.  Last year was a very unusual season with plentiful rain and water for my plants.  This year is looking to be a more normal summer with very little rain and hot temperatures.  I can now really test out my new watering system using soaker hoses.  It was tough last year with all the rain, but I am looking forward to see if they can keep up with the possible lack of rain.  Not having to water my plants daily does save me some time and focus on other aspects of gardening. 

Potatoes Planted in 20 Foot Row

Potato Planting and Some Extra Spring Crop Seeds Added to Garden

Although potatoes should be planted a little bit earlier in the month of April they still have time to grow and possibly get a harvest for the summer. Weather conditions are still cool and wet which should help them out before the hot months of summer arrives. I was able to get a twenty foot row with just five pounds of seed potatoes. This should be enough for the season as long as they take to the soil well.

Cosmos Plant

Latest Flower Transplanting From Container to Garden

With warmer weather arriving it was time to start planting some of the last flower plants into the garden. There are only about a dozen flowers or so that I have left to add and this should be done sometime this week at the latest. Many seeds that I have planted since the last post have begun to sprout including sunflowers, squash, and even cucumbers. (more…)

Three More Plants Moved Into the Garden This Weekend

I was hoping to get as many plants into the garden as possible today, because there is going to be some rain coming very soon.  I find it is best to get them into the garden quickly so they can adjust quickly to the soil and get some free rain with it as well. (more…)

Radishes and Peas Now Sprouting

A quick update on some of the seeds I had planted in the garden a couple of weeks ago.  Both my peas and radishes are now showing signs of life with some sprouting within the rows.  Let’s take a look at what they look like when they first pop up through the soil. (more…)

Early Tilling for Spring Plants and Seeds

I got some tilling done yesterday which is mainly for the spring plants that I will be placing outside.  Lettuce is one of those plants and the rest are going to be from seed.  I will plant seeds of peas, radish, celery, and potatoes. (more…)

Fruit and Vegetable Seed Planting Indoors

It looks like that it is that time already to begin planting the main part of the garden indoors.  Starting indoors I find to be the best solution for getting ahead of the game.  Although space is limited I am still able to grow quite a bit before Spring weather arrives. (more…)

Digging Holes for Potatoes and Cleaning up Debris

Since receiving my potatoes yesterday I needed to clean up the garden and get some holes dug before tomorrow.  Luckily it only rained in the morning so I was able to clean up the garden, fix the net that surrounds the garden, and dig some holes for my potatoes. (more…)