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cucumbers, Page 2

Those Ears of Corn are Now Ripe Enough for Harvesting

That is correct most of my corn is now ready to be picked while others still need just a little bit more time. Today was actually the start of harvests from corn, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Now that most of my blueberries have been picked it is now time to focus on other fruits and vegetables that may be ready for harvesting. (more…)

Cosmos Plant

Latest Flower Transplanting From Container to Garden

With warmer weather arriving it was time to start planting some of the last flower plants into the garden. There are only about a dozen flowers or so that I have left to add and this should be done sometime this week at the latest. Many seeds that I have planted since the last post have begun to sprout including sunflowers, squash, and even cucumbers. (more…)

Time Has Come for Tomatoes to Change Colors

Cherry tomatoes came first and now both of my Roma and steakhouse tomatoes are now on their way to a ripening pinkish red color. There are only a few of them changing colors, but soon the rest will follow. With plenty of sunshine they will turn much faster and will be harvested earlier. (more…)

Today Was a Day Filled with New Harvests

There were two different harvests today that I was hoping to accomplish either yesterday or today.  Luckily it was a good day and I was able to harvest the first pole beans and cherry tomatoes of the season. (more…)

Some Cucumbers and a Few Good Things Happening in the Garden

I had some more cucumbers that were ready for some harvesting and they were a good size as well. I had a couple of large ones and a few average sized cucumbers that I could use for many different things. These were just cucumbers and pickles will be coming very soon and hopefully plenty of them. (more…)

Small Harvest with Cucumbers and a Few More Zucchinis

I picked one cucumber this past Saturday, but I knew I would be picking more today so I decided to wait to write a post until I picked all the cucumbers that were ready. I also had some more zucchinis that were at the right size and decided to pick them as well. (more…)