A quick Update on Progress of Garden Plants and Soon to be Harvesting
Last updated onThis is just going to be a quick update on how everything in the garden is going and what are some of the upcoming harvests that will be coming from the garden in the next couple of weeks. At the moment I have been picking zucchini here and there and are the only vegetable that seems to ripen faster than all the others. My lettuce and peas seem to be done for the season and I will be replacing them with broccoli and possibly kale.
This week I also noticed that my red onions had fallen over which means it is time to pick them. I planted double what I had planted last season and it looks like it paid off. I will let them dry outside for now and will bring them in once the stems turn brown. I will be picking the yellow onions once they start to fall which should be real soon. The hot weather we have had recently should cause the stems to fall.

So far I have picked four zucchinis and they have been big enough to make some decent meals out of them. I am hoping that the latest plantings of squash seeds will bear the same size vegetables or maybe even bigger for heavier meals. Only time will tell with these new plants.

I also wanted to mention a couple of pumpkins that are coming through a couple of vines I planted this season. Right now they are getting bigger each day and the recent rain has been a great help for them. I will have to place a piece of wood under them to protect them from the soil and possible insects that may hide underneath them.

Right now I am looking forward to picking my tomatoes once they start to turn color. I have several different types of tomatoes that I planted this season and I am looking forward to exactly how many Roma plants are in the garden. So far I have at least a couple of Roma plants and a few beefsteak plants as well. As usual there are a few cherry tomato plants that I am looking forward to using for salads.