More Harvesting of Roma Tomatoes and Soon the First Melons

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A quick update on what has been going on in the garden including all the Roma tomatoes I have been picking over the past couple of weeks.  Some melons that are looking close to picking, steakhouse tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, peppers, and so much more.At the moment I have only been mainly picking and harvesting cherry, steakhouse, and Roma tomatoes.  I had plenty of cherry tomatoes that I decided on making many of them into a simple salsa for the Winter.

Latest Cherry Tomatoes

Also my steakhouse tomatoes have been ready as well.  Some plants had plenty of ripe tomatoes all at once while other plants were ripening tomatoes one at a time.  It seems my Roma tomatoes are coming all at once which is not surprising since I planted over 20 plants.

Roma Tomatoes

The very last of the corn was picked today and that means digging out the stalks and using them for mulch or turning them into wood ash.  Both are good uses and is perfect for the garden.

Very Last of Corn

Melons are looking quite well and I should be harvesting them in the near future.  I have one cantaloupe that I could have picked today, but I am waiting for the fruit to disconnect from the vine on its own.  If it doesn’t disconnect from the vine in the next couple days, then I will remove it myself.  By then it will be ready for harvesting and eating.


My watermelons have stopped growing in size and are probably working on filling in the fruit right now.  This means adding water, sugars, and nutrients into the melon and will most likely be ready later in the season.

Watermelon #1Watermelon #2

I also picked a couple more peppers this afternoon.  They were big enough that I decided it was time to bring them in and enjoy the sweet flavor of peppers.

Two Ripe Peppers