Steakhouse Tomato, Zucchini, and Ruby Glow Harvest
Last updated onI am now getting some more tomatoes that are coming from most of my plants. There are only a couple that don’t have any fruit yet, but they do have flowers which should bring some fruit very soon.
As I can see it looks like I am getting steakhouse tomatoes along with some cherry tomatoes. I am probably getting some Roma tomatoes, but I am not quite certain which ones they are. I would say in about a week I should know if I have any Roma tomatoes growing.
Here is just a small steakhouse tomato that is starting to come in.
I also have some tomatoes that I am not sure exactly what they are. The first ones that were starting to grow on plants a week ago are beginning to look like Roma tomatoes. They don’t have the pear like shape yet, but I am certain that they are the super sauce tomatoes that I planted.
I discussed a zucchini that was starting to come through in my last post and I wanted to show you the progress that it has been making. It is getting bigger each day.
I might be picking this zucchini much sooner than I thought. I would say it has another week of growing before I actually pick it.
Some more Ruby glow lettuce was picked yesterday as well. I collected 69 leaves and I believe that I have a few more harvests to make before they start to go to seed.
I have also noticed that one of my pumpkin plants has produced a female flower this early. I was shocked to find it opened yesterday morning. This is a little early for them to flower, but I am not complaining and all I have to do is wait and see if it has been pollinated. Only time will tell if this happened yesterday.
For my cucumber that had a flower on it is still on the vine and the flower did open recently. Again I will have to wait and see if the bees did what they were supposed to do.
The last thing I did today was weed my onions that were planted in the ground, fertilized them, and then placed mulch around all the plants.